President Paula Brahan presided over today’s meeting.
Mark Killingsworth gave today’s invocation and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Thanks to Jamie Mitchell who served as our greeter today.
Mike then introduced today’s guests. Joe Meador has his wife Lynn as his guest and Jerry Gilder has his wife Nancy as his guest. Brandon Hodges has Evan Nicolosi as his guest.
Our thanks to Dr. Anna Wan from Eagle Maker for
providing our program last Tuesday
L-R: Mary Arial, Paula Brahan, and Anna Wan.
Paula then asked Richard Topp and Ryan Pollacci to come forward. Richard has sponsored Ryan as our newest Rotarian. Paula installed Ryan and presented him with his pin, badge and new member packet. Ryan is originally from Monterey, California. He attended Ole Miss and worked for a number of years for Taylor Farms. He and his wife decided recently they wanted to live in Hattiesburg which is where Ryan’s parents are from. He now works with his father at Benjamin F. Edwards.
Paula then introduced Mary Arial who introduced today’s guest speaker. Paula noted that Mary is leaving the Hattiesburg area and has resigned as a member of our club. She wished her well.
Today’s guest speaker is Dr. Anna Wan, Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Southern Mississippi. Dr. Wan teaches mathematics courses for future teachers, introducing them and their students to 3D printing and using the technology in math classrooms. Dr. Wan directs Eagle Maker Hub on the campus, introducing 3D printing technology to anyone interested in the area.
She can teach third graders how to model and print in just a few short hours. She teaches K–12 teachers how to use 3D printing technology in their schools. An inexpensive 3D printer can now be purchased for $175.00 making the technology much more accessible to students.
3D printers can use a variety of materials to print objects with, including wood. The technology has been used to print plates for a child’s head injury, allowing the plates to be changed out as the child grew. It can also be used to print some body parts including bladders, heart, and cartilage. This technology uses a person’s own cells, growing the cells and then printing the organ with the cells.
Other things being created using the technology include dresses, shoes, vests, and children’s prosthetics. GE and Boeing are using the technology to design and build engines that were not previously possible to assemble.
Dr. Wan says 3D printing is an industry disrupter however she believes that industries will shift more toward the technology rather than being replaced. However, a dentist capable of milling a crown in the office while the patient waits has caused the closure of some labs.
For more information visit A number of one and two-day summer maker camps are being offered throughout the month of June.
With no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned by Paula with our motto, “Service Above Self."