Lynn Walton presided over the meeting. Ryan Kelly provided the opening prayer. Mavis Creagh led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Lynn led the club in the Four Way Test. The meeting was held at the Holiday Inn in Hattiesburg and via Zoom.
Lynn thanked those who showed up for the workday at Wesley Manor. She noted that the project exceeded what was budgeted and encouraged members to purchase raffle tickets to help offset the expense. The drawing for the raffle will occur at the end of today’s meeting.
Lynn also announced that the awards program and the officer installation ceremony is scheduled for June 24. She encouraged members to contact past presidents and invite them to the ceremony.
Lynn then introduced today’s guest speaker, Sandy Middleton who is the Executive Director of the Center for Violence Prevention. The Center is a non-profit organization in Mississippi designed to combat domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking while serving those effected by these acts of violence.
Human Trafficking is the use of force, fraud, or coercion to control another person for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts or soliciting labor or services against his/her will. Force, fraud, or coercion does not need to be present if the individual engaging in commercial sex is under 18 years of age. Sandy says the Center has five rapid response teams across the state to respond to human trafficking issues. The Center also operates the Tower. It provides voluntary services to identified victims of trafficking through its multidisciplinary professionals and community partners to achieve safety, recovery, and restoration. Participation in the program is voluntary and requires consent, active participation, and adherence to the established guidelines for the safety and well-being of all clients and staff. Victims can participate in Tower programs for up to two years.
Sandy noted that only ten rape cases were successfully prosecuted in Mississippi last year, far below the average in other states. In 2021 the Center housed 105 human trafficking victims. They counselled 105 victims through their outreach program and had 188 rapid responses.
The target age of girls in our state for human trafficking is 14 – 16. About 99% of the buyers are males.
Lynn thanked Sandy for this update. A drawing was held for the raffle basket. Mark Killingsworth was the winner.
There being no further business to come before the club, Lynn adjourned the meeting with our motto: “Service Above Self.”