APRIL 11, 2017

L-R: Club President, Jaclyn Adams, Jerry Mayo, and Allen Anderson.
President Jaclyn Adams presided over the meeting. Thanks to Allen Anderson who gave the invocation and to James Winstead who led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Thanks also to Joey Johnson and James Mitchell who served as our greeters today.
Wes Brooks filled in for Tracie Fowler noted that we have no visitors and no visiting Rotarians today.
Jaclyn then noted that Janet Williams has had to resign the club due to her work schedule. We will miss her. She also reminded Rotarians to make sure they get their 50/50 raffle tickets and get them sold before June 27th. If all the tickets are sold the winner will get $15,000. Additional prizes will be awarded.
Allen Anderson then introduced today’s guest speaker... 
...Jerry Mayo. Jerry is the Executive Director of Pine Belt Mental Healthcare Resources.
Jerry noted that President Kennedy signed the Mental Health Act into law in 1963 creating the foundation for a nationwide mental health care treatment system. In the late 1960’s and early 70’s state legislation was passed establishing nine regional mental health care programs across Mississippi. Pine Belt Mental Healthcare Resources server Region 12 in the southern par of Mississippi. Although not every county has a physical facility, every county in the state is served by a community mental health care program. The primary goal of each of the resources is to keep those who suffer from mental health issues out of inpatient programs and functioning in their communities.
Pine Belt employs 500 in 45 locations throughout the district. It is the largest program in the state with a $20 million payroll and a total budget o f $37 million.  It is a government entity operating as a 501-c-3 non-profit business within the system and is the only CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) accredited program in the state.
Pine Belt recently received a grant to create Crisis Intervention Teams within their region. These teams train law enforcement personnel to recognize mental health symptoms and gives them knowledge about the various mental health service programs that are available to them. They recently concluded a class of 30 officers in Jones county and will start a class in Forrest county in June.
Pine Belt also offers a MYPAC program which is a youth program available 24/7 to children and adolescences who get into situations that can or do escalate into crisis mode. They can call a team member at any hour day or night and get help, including a visit by a team member if necessary.