Camp Shelby Archeologist
Oct 02, 2018 12:00 PM
Rita McCarty
Camp Shelby Archeologist

Ms McCarty has over 10 years experience in the field of Cultural Resoures Management. Her emphasis areas include prehistoric and historic archaeology, artifact conservation and analysis, Native American Consultation, and Section 106 and NEPA compliance.

As Cultural Resources Program Manager, I manage all aspects of cultural resources that may or may not be affected by the training and application of military activities. Cultural resources that I manage include all archaeological sites related to Mississippi National Guard training and occupations. Those include WWI and WWII training trenches, building remnants/foundations, camp sites, and old existing infrastructure within two National Guard training sites. I also manage Native American, early settler, and historic logging camp sites that fall within our training site boundaries. I manage the historic preservation and maintenance of WWI, WWII, and Cold War Era structures located at Camp Shelby, MS, the largest National Guard training site in the United States. I oversee the maintenance and care of historic cemeteries at two training sites. I also manage and oversee the curation and artifact conservation of artifacts recovered from lands owned and utilized by the MS National Guard. As the cultural resources manager, I also oversee Native American consultation.
Other aspects include conducting all phases of archaeological field work and controlled monitoring activites during military activities and construction. I provide guidance related to Section 106, 110, and NEPA to upper level command prior to all ground disturbing activities. I assure that the MS National Guard is in compliance with Section 106, 110, and NEPA prior to all ground disturbing activities. This includes SHPO and Native American consultation. I have authored and coauthored Section 106 and 110 reports, EA's, EIS's, and MOA's.
I am very active in promoting cultural resources protection and public outreach.