Posted on Sep 12, 2017


President Paula Brahan presided over the meeting. Thanks to Allen Anderson who gave the invocation and to Bill MacLauchlan who led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Thanks to Mary Ariail and James Mitchell for serving as our greeters today.
Today’s cash winner was Erin Granberry.  Paula reminded members to bring extra cash to future meetings and participate in the weekly cash give-away.  We are going to try a $5 poker pot in the future.  Only $5 for 5 cards and whoever has the best hand wins the pot. 
Mike Ratliff introduced today’s visiting Rotarians and guests.  Stacy Graham was a guest of Erin Ladner and Bill Davey was a guest of James Mitchell.
We did not have a speaker today, so we discussed club business.
Mike Ratliff announced that Shane Germany is going to help him get the Meals on Wheels sign-up online.   
Mike also announced that we are still in need of greeters, members to lead the pledge of allegiance, do the innovation and greet.
Paula pointed out that since todays speaker was cancelled due to the political nature content of the presentation, she decided to review the Club’s presentation guidelines.
These guidelines will assist you in preparing and presenting to our club:
  • No promoting or selling a product or service
  • No actively campaigning for political office or espousing political views
  • No personal religious messages or heavy religious content.
Sean Priebe suggested if have any speakers in mind, to contact the speaker coordinator Ryan Kelly at
Paula suggested to have one minute before each meeting dedicated to asking for speaker suggestions.
Johnny Stevens suggested that speakers from the same organization be rotated among several months rather than all in one month.
Bill McLeod suggested we add the following week’s volunteers into the e-newsletter as a reminder.
Wes then announced that you can look up each speaker we have had on our website and see the last time they spoke.  And he also let us know that the criteria we have for our speakers are actually in our by-laws.  Our bylaws can also be viewed on the website.
Paula asked for past board members to chair our committees. She would like to pair that past board member with a new member who will serve as co-chair. This would increase our new member participation and provide better year-to-year consistency. The following committee appointments were made:
  • Scholarship and Leadership Committee - Mike Ratliff and Shane Germany
  • Membership Committee- James Mitchell and Steven Utroska
  • Public Relations Committee- Wes Brooks and Lynn Walton
  • Service Projects Committee- Still need volunteers
  • Fundraising Committee - Sean Priebe and Mallory Donald
  • Social Committee- Paula Brahan.She will have a social held at her home. Date TBD.
  • Polio Plus Committee- Erin Ganberry and Ryan Kelly
Mallory will add the Program Coordinator’s contact information in the SPOKES. That coordinator is currently Ryan Kelly.  
Paula thanked members for coming and participating today. With no other business or announcements she adjourned the meeting with our motto, “Service Above Self.”